Hello Everyone, I hope everyone of you are safe at your respective places. Guys, understand this is a virus of only which we together can overcome by the only solution of social distancing, by being at our homes. This virus has spread across the world and has taken up lives of many. Spend some good time with your families. This concept is new to each one of us. But, we all are responsible citizens and should fight against it by being mentally and physically strong and most importantly by following what the government is saying to us. Everything is simple. We are the ones who are complicating it and making things worse. Take some precautionary measures, stay at home, and eat and be healthy that's all. On the front side, we should thank our government, doctors, vendors, sweepers, pharmacists, scientists, researchers, and to everyone who are risking our lives to make this world fight, so that 'we people' can remain safe. It is now our mo...